The Benefits of Auto Tinting

Automotive window tinting can provide many important benefits for your vehicle from aesthetics to safety and protection.

UV Protection
Automotive window tinting can block up to 99% of the damaging cancer causing UV (Ultraviolet) rays from the sun.

Heat Protection
Automotive window tinting can reduce the heat in your vehicle on hot summer days reducing the time it takes the air conditioner to cool as well as help getting better gas mileage.

Reduce Glare
Automotive window tinting can help you drive more safely by blocking up to 90% of the glare caused by headlights, bad weather conditions and bright sunlight.

Interior Protection
Automotive window tinting can help protect dashboard and upholstery fabric and leather by reducing fading and cracking damage caused by excessive sunlight.

Passenger Protection
Automotive window tinting can help protect the vehicle passengers from broken glass by providing added shatter-resistance from broken windows during an accident.

Privacy and Security
Automotive window tinting makes your vehicle and the contents more private by reducing the ability to identify the contents inside.

Appearance and Style
Automotive window tinting can make your vehicle stand out from the crowd with style and sophistication.

Great quality and excellent service from Big Mike & crew... I went with the ceramic tint and it’s well worth the extra cost. Car now blocks out a majority of the sun & stays cool inside during this sweltering heat.
— Troy Nupe